Two years ago one of my life dreams came true.
If you know anything about me, you know I love the mountains and I love to hike.
I also love to travel, and not just travel for travel’s sake. I love my travel to have a purpose. Whether it’s humanitarian, recreation, education, or inspiration... I find travel more meaningful with an added intention.
So, two years ago, I hit the jackpot. I have wanted to visit the Alps my whole life! And not just look at them. I wanted to VISIT them. To walk, climb, dine, and sleep in them. To see what they had to teach me.
God must’ve known I wanted this badly, and that it would be something I needed to experience, because he had Rudy and Jeanie move in up the street.
Rudy and Jeannie lived around and explored the Alps for years. Rudy has German roots, and speaks German fluently. Jeanie, my hilarious smart-as-a-whip friend loves to hike. And so does Rudy. And so do I!
It didn’t take long to have a trip in the works. Rudy and Jeanie made the plans, a few friends who also love to hike happily laid down their money, and off we went!
You guys, I couldn’t stop smiling the entire trip. We hiked the Alps of Austria, Italy, and then the granddaddy of them all—Switzerland.
It was more than I dreamed it would be. If that is even possible. The breathtaking beauty of this place left me speechless, and completely filled my heart.
Next June, we are going back to Switzerland. The granddaddy. To the most spectacular valley on earth, and doing the most spectacular hikes we experienced on our trip. And you are invited!
Each day we will spend a few minutes reminding and inspiring ourselves about the relationship that matters most in our lives. Then we will spend our days walking and talking together in this breathtaking place.